Composition Pillar Activation Guide
Your pillar activation guide keeps you connected beyond your Groops sessions with key group connection concepts to review, discussions questions to continue to reflect on or talk about, and takeaways or things to try to apply new skills and knowledge together.
Session 1: Composition: The Invisible Forces
Or Session 1: Part 1 of Accelerated 3-Part Series
Group Connection Concept
Composition is a mix of the individual characteristics of each group member.
Composition is multifaceted and dynamic. The main categories of composition are: roles, skills, personalities, diversity, and size. The intersection of these invisible forces influence how well we work together and feel in the group. In connected groups, there must be room for individuality and intersectionality.
Group Discussion Questions
Continue the Conversation
Park humility and name your 3 uniques or strengths that best support the shared goals of the group.
What parts of yourself would you like more opportunity to bring to this group?
When do you feel your work group is working best together?
Takeaways or Things to Try
Take Action Together
Name your own strengths by noticing when you are most productive and what you are doing when you feel most energized.
Talk with each other about what you would each love to do more of in your work group to bring out your individual strengths.
Notice and name (aloud and with each other) when you see the group working well together and why.
Session 2: Understanding Our Group Mindset
Or Session 1: Part 2 of Accelerated 3-Part Series
Group Connection Concept
Group mindset is the attitude of the group.
It is how the group generally thinks about itself, its goals, and the world around it. The two main types of mindsets are fixed and growth. Fixed mindset believes the talents and behaviors of the group are unchangeable. Growth mindset believes the talents and behaviors of the group are improvable.
The mindset of the group and individual members may shift in different situations or contexts. View the mindset spectrum here.
Group Discussion Questions
Continue the Conversation
In what ways or situations do we exhibit a growth mindset as a group? Why?
In what ways or situations do we exhibit a fixed mindset as a group? Why?
Do we tend to embrace or hide our flaws or mistakes? Why?
What is our practice for noticing and naming learning opportunities?
Takeaways or Things to Try
Take Action Together
Notice and name in what ways or situations your group tends toward a fixed mindset. Do the same for growth mindset.
Notice your automatic thoughts when challenging situations occur. Do you find yourself feeling anxious and negative or curious and thoughtful about the opportunity at hand?
Always ask yourself and your work group: “What is to be learned here?”
Session 3: Revealing the Feeling of the Group
Or Session 2: Part 1 of Accelerated 3-Part Series
Group Connection Concept
Group emotions are the shared feelings of the group.
Emotions fluctuate but there are often common feelings expressed by the group. Individual emotions impact the shared feeling in the group. And the shared feeling in the group impacts individual feelings. View the emotion wheel here.
When people are free to share their true feelings, the emotional tone of the group is generally more positive. Positive affective tone is correlated with prosocial behavior, innovation, and productivity.
Group Discussion Questions
Continue the Conversation
When you look at the emotion wheel, what feeling do you feel right now—without judgement? Why?
When you look at the emotion wheel, what feeling do you think best represents the tone in the group now? Why?
What are the three most common feelings you feel as a member of our group? Why?
What do you wish to feel more of in this group and why? How can we get there?
Takeaways or Things to Try
Take Action Together
Notice and name the emotions you feel and notice in the group in real time as they arise.
Listen and praise when someone shares an emotion (especially a vulnerable one) to promote authentic sharing.
Always ask yourself and your work group: “What is emotional tone now? What is not being expressed?”
Session 4: Noticing and Naming Our Group Behaviors
Or Session 2: Part 2 of Accelerated 3-Part Series
Group Connection Concept
Group behaviors are the things we do regularly.
The two main types of group behaviors are positive and negative. Positive behaviors help the group deepen cohesion and move closer to shared goals. Negative behaviors disrupt group cohesion and either stall progress toward or derail accomplishing shared goals. Groups with positive behaviors accomplish more and feel better.
Group Discussion Questions
Continue the Conversation
What are some of our group behaviors that you feel best about? Why?
What are some of our group behaviors that you feel we should change (without naming names or placing blame)? Why?
What behaviors would you like to see more of in our group? Why?
Takeaways or Things to Try
Take Action Together
Notice and name the positive and negative behaviors you bring to the group.
Notice and name the positive and negative behaviors you notice outside of yourself in the group.
Use the frame “I feel…, I wish…, Could we try…?” to suggest new behaviors.
Session 5: The Power of Reflection to Leverage Our Composition
Or Session 3: Part 1 of Accelerated 3-Part Series
Group Connection Concept
Reflection is conscious consideration of beliefs and behaviors.
People who reflect are more productive and feel better. Yet, many people do not regularly make time for it. Reflecting on the personal and professional are both important. When we connect the two, magic happens.
Reflection gives the brain the chance to pause in chaos to sort through experiences, thoughts, feelings, and behaviors—to create meaning in action that is often subconscious or done quickly. This is crucial for growth.
Group Discussion Questions
Continue the Conversation
Without overthinking or judging, what are your top three strengths as it relates to work (you might be using these skills now or not)?
How are these strengths best used in this work group?
What are the top three strengths of this work group as a whole?
How can you better draw out the strengths of yourself and others in your work group?
Takeaways or Things to Try
Take Action Together
Build a regular practice of noticing and naming both individual and collective strengths.
Ask yourself daily: What strength did I notice today and how did it serve me and the group?
Once a quarter, ask each member of the group to share the strengths they are most using with this work group.
Once a quarter, ask each member of the group to share what strengths they want to use more of and why with this work group.
Session 6: Looking Back at Our Composition to Move Forward as a Group
Or Session 3: Part 2 of Accelerated 3-Part Series
Group Connection Concept
Looking back on growth, looking forward with hope.
Taking time to reflect on learnings, consolidate gains, and plan for the future helps groups make positive change and evolve together.
Doing this at regular intervals is how good group composition is built. Remember, work relationships are like any relationship and require ongoing cultivation and care.
Self Reflection Questions
Continue the Conversation
What was the most memorable moment for you from this Groops experience?
What was most helpful about this Groops experience?
What do you wish we did or had more time for in this Groops experience?
What did you learn about yourself through this Groops experience?
What did you learn about your group through this Groops experience?
What do you hope for moving forward? What do you want to build into your group?
Is there anything you want to share that you have not yet had a chance to share?
Group Reflections & Intentions
Take Action Together
Capture your self reflection in 3 statements to share…
I feel… is a starting point for capturing how you feel about your connection to your group following this series.
I wish… is a starting point for what could be done differently to strengthen your group connection.
What if we… is a starting point for ideas or actions you all can take to feel better and do things differently as a group going forward.
Take Action Toolkits
The Groops experience helps your group uncover opportunities and pain points through expert-guided exploratory conversations. This toolkit helps you translate discussion into group-directed activation through prompts and frameworks designed to help your group further understand and apply key concepts from your program.