Universality in Work Groups: I am You, You are Me
April 29th, 2024
In group psychology, the concept of universality refers to the idea that when we peel back the layers, there are core human experiences and feelings. We think our thoughts are so private (and maybe even too wild to say out loud), yet others are thinking them too. When we share these experiences with each other, we realize we are not alone. As a psychologist, I hear the same stories over and over - from individuals and teams. I wonder what gets in the way of us sharing? What are we fearing? I wonder what would need to happen for us to share what we are thinking and feeling - at work (and at home)?
“We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.”
Since humans are social by nature and hardwired for connection, try to deepen connection with one person on your team this week by asking them, “What do you most like about our team or the work we do?”
A DEEP-ish QUESTION (or Two)
What 3 words describe the lens in which you see the world?
How does this shape how you think about work and the people you work with?
Keep on connecting. Cohesion is built one connection thread at a time.
Bobbi Wegner, Psy.D.
Founder and CEO of Groops: helping teams feel and function their best
Lecturer at Harvard University in Industrial-Organizational Psychology
If you are curious about a workplace dynamic or issue, send me an email at drbobbiwegner@joingroops.com and I will anonymously post it and respond. If you are thinking it, others are too. We can learn from each other. Also, if you are curious about the cohesion and health of your team, book a complimentary 30-minute consultation HERE with one of our Groop Guides.