Communication Pillar Activation Guide

Your pillar activation guide keeps you connected beyond your Groops sessions with key group connection concepts to review, discussions questions to continue to reflect on or talk about, and takeaways or things to try to apply new skills and knowledge together.

Session 1: Communication: The Art of Saying the Unsayable

Or Session 1: Part 1 of Accelerated 3-Part Series

Group Connection Concept

Communication is the artful exchange of information.

The ways we communicate affect everything about how we feel and function as a group and as individual members of the group. It may seem simple, but truly communicating as a group is quite an art. Effective communication asks us to go deeper and understand the intention and emotion behind the message.

Group Discussion Questions

Continue the Conversation

  • Think about a past group experience that had effective communication. What made it effective? How did you feel in this group?

  • Think about a past group experience that did not have effective communication. What made it ineffective? How did you feel in this group?

  • Given your past experiences with communication, what do you want to bring forward to this work group and what do you want to leave behind?

  • How do you feel about the communication in this work group now? And what do you hope for going forward?

Takeaways or Things to Try

Take Action Together

  • Reflect on what works and what doesn’t work about how our group communicates today.

  • Notice and name aloud when communication in the group is working well.

  • Discuss how you want to handle conflict before it arises.

  • Define radical candor (not brutal honesty) with your group and practice it.

Session 2: Noticing and Naming Our Style of Communication

Or Session 1: Part 2 of Accelerated 3-Part Series

Group Connection Concept

We all use different styles of communication at different times. 

Each person has a unique communication style. There are four main styles of  communication: passive, aggressive, passive-aggressive, and assertive. Assertive is the most productive style of communication. View communication styles here.

Group Discussion Questions

Continue the Conversation

  • What communication style (passive, aggressive, passive-aggressive, or assertive) do you most often use? Why?

  • What communication style do you most often notice in the work group? Why?

  • What would need to happen to have a more assertive communication style in the work group?

  • What are barriers to adopting a more assertive communication style personally and in the group?

Takeaways or Things to Try

Take Action Together

  • Reflect on what works/doesn’t work about your personal communication style and why.

  • Reflect on what works/doesn’t work about your group communication style and why.

  • Notice and name publicly when communication in the group is assertive.

  • Practice noticing and naming communication styles in the moment by using “I notice ___ and wonder ___.”

Session 3: How to Practice Active Listening

Or Session 2: Part 1 of Accelerated 3-Part Series

Group Connection Concept

Active listening is a key ingredient in effective communication.  

People listen differently. Active listening goes beyond just hearing the spoken words—it is understanding the meaning behind the words and using curiosity to hear more. This is a skill that can be developed with practice. You must embody an openness as a listener and engage in a certain way to be most effective. View tips for openness and active listening here.

Group Discussion Questions

Continue the Conversation

  • What word best describes how you listen in life and at work? Remember, there is no right answer here. What made you pick those words? Are they the same or different? Why?

  • What word best describes how this group listens? Remember, there is no right answer here. What made you pick that word?

  • What would need to happen to have a more active listening style in the group? What would you need to do?

Takeaways or Things to Try

Take Action Together

  • Embody openness and curiosity about others.

  • Practice OARS: open-ended questions, affirmations, reflecting, summarizing.

  • Practice asking two questions before making a statement.

  • Reflect on what works/doesn’t work about your listening style and why.

  • Reflect on what works/doesn’t work about the listening style in the group and why.

  • Notice and name publicly when someone in the group is actively listening.

Session 4: Communicating Through Difficult Situations as a Group

Or Session 2: Part 2 of Accelerated 3-Part Series

Group Connection Concept

Communication during difficult situations can make or break a group.  

Difficult situations are inevitable—all relationships go through rupture and repair. Rupture is when there is a break or disconnection in the relationship. Repair is the restoration of the relationship accomplished through healthy communication. Repair deepens the relationship.

Group Discussion Questions

Continue the Conversation

  • How do you communicate during difficult situations in life and at work?

  • How does the group communicate during difficult situations? If you “do not have difficult situations,” ask yourself what the group is avoiding and why?

  • What would need to happen to have more productive communication during difficult situations or rupture in the group?

Takeaways or Things to Try

Take Action Together

  • Don’t avoid conflict. Share feelings honestly. Take the other’s perspective.

  • Clarify the core issue or disagreement.

  • Privately notice and name your own feelings under the anger or frustration.

  • Focus on listening rather than needing to be right.

  • Use “I” and “We” statements. Avoid “You” statements.

Session 5: The Power of Reflection to Enhance Our Communication

Or Session 3: Part 1 of Accelerated 3-Part Series

Group Connection Concept

Reflection is conscious consideration of beliefs and behaviors. 

People who reflect are more productive and feel better. Yet, many people do not regularly make time for it. Reflecting on the personal and professional are both important. When we connect the two, magic happens.

Reflection gives the brain the chance to pause in chaos to sort through experiences, thoughts, feelings, and behaviors—to create meaning in action that is often subconscious or done quickly. This is crucial for growth.

Group Discussion Questions

Continue the Conversation

  • Without overthinking or judging, what words best describe how we communicate in our work group?

  • Without overthinking or judging, when does communication in this work group make you feel most connected and most disconnected? Be specific.

  • How might we build better communication with the goals of deepening connection and getting us closer to our shared goals?

Takeaways or Things to Try

Take Action Together

  • Build a regular practice of noticing and naming moments of effective communication such as when you feel most heard and understood.

  • Ask yourself daily: What moments of effective communication did I notice today and how did it serve me and the group?

  • Once a quarter, ask each member of the group to share the most memorable moments of effective communication.

  • Once a quarter, ask each member of the group to share how they would like to improve communication.

Session 6: Looking Back at Our Communication to Move Forward as a Group

Or Session 3: Part 2 of Accelerated 3-Part Series

Group Connection Concept

Looking back on growth, looking forward with hope. 

Taking time to reflect on learnings, consolidate gains, and plan for the future helps groups make positive change and evolve together.

Doing this at regular intervals improves our communication as a group. Remember, work relationships are like any relationship and require ongoing cultivation and care.

Self Reflection Questions

Continue the Conversation

  • What was the most memorable moment for you from this Groops experience?

  • What was most helpful about this Groops experience?

  • What do you wish we did or had more time for in this Groops experience?

  • What did you learn about yourself through this Groops experience?

  • What did you learn about your group through this Groops experience?

  • What do you hope for moving forward? What do you want to build into your group?

  • Is there anything you want to share that you have not yet had a chance to share?

Group Reflections & Intentions

Take Action Together

Capture your self reflection in 3 statements to share…

  • I feel… is a starting point for capturing how you feel about your connection to your group following this series.

  • I wish… is a starting point for what could be done differently to strengthen your group connection.

  • What if we… is a starting point for ideas or actions you all can take to feel better and do things differently as a group going forward.

Take Action Toolkits

The Groops experience helps your group uncover opportunities and pain points through expert-guided exploratory conversations. This toolkit helps you translate discussion into group-directed activation through prompts and frameworks designed to help your group further understand and apply key concepts from your program.