Cohesion Pillar Activation Guide

Your pillar activation guide keeps you connected beyond your Groops sessions with key group connection concepts to review, discussions questions to continue to reflect on or talk about, and takeaways or things to try to apply new skills and knowledge together.

Session 1: Cohesion: The Glue that Connects

Or Session 1: Part 1 of Accelerated 3-Part Series

Group Connection Concept

Simply put, cohesion is the social glue in a group.

In every group, there are social forces that drive groups together and apart. They are often felt, but not articulated. Cohesion is how committed we are to our shared goals and to each other. It helps to get clear on goals and stage of the group to ground ourselves in why we are here together. View the group stages here.

Group Discussion Questions

Continue the Conversation

  • What are the shared goals of this work group?

  • What group stage do you think you are in? Why?

  • When do you feel most attracted and committed to this group?

  • When do you feel like you most belong here?

  • When do you feel your work group is working best together?

Takeaways or Things to Try

Take Action Together

  • Notice and name when you feel most connected to the group. Ask yourself why.

  • Practice saying to the group, “I feel most connected when we…”

  • Notice and name when you feel most disconnected from the group. Ask yourself why.

  • Practice saying what you are feeling in the group—with radical candor, not brutal honestly. Notice the impact.

Session 2: Understanding Our Relationship with Groups

Or Session 1: Part 2 of Accelerated 3-Part Series

Group Connection Concept

Where we think we stand determines what we think we see.

Everything we do is shaped by our past experiences—what we want, like and fear. This is especially true for relationships, including working relationships. Our past experiences in groups shape how we feel and what we need now in this group.  

Group Discussion Questions

Continue the Conversation

  • Think about a past group experience (at work, in your family, with friends) that did not work well. Why didn’t it work well? How did you feel in this group?

  • Think about a past group experience (at work, in your family, with friends) that worked well. How did it work well? How did you feel in this group?

  • Given your past experiences, what do you want to bring forward to this work group and what do you want to leave behind?

  • How do you feel in this work group now? And what do you hope for in this work group going forward?

Takeaways or Things to Try

Take Action Together

  • Notice how your past experiences impact how you show up in this group.

  • Build ongoing group reflection into your work group.

  • Regularly take the emotional temperature of the group.

  • When new members join, ask about their past experiences and use it as an opportunity for everyone to talk about their hopes for this group now.

Session 3: Noticing & Naming Our Work Group Norms

Or Session 2: Part 1 of Accelerated 3-Part Series

Group Connection Concept

Group norms direct the behavior of the group as a whole.

Group norms dictate what is acceptable to the group and what is not. We have general group norms like what time we have meetings, who speaks, the tone in which we communicate, and how we operate in the group. Role-specific norms are specific to how people act in certain positions, like the leader always starts and ends the meeting. 

Group Discussion Questions

Continue the Conversation

  • What group norms do you observe in our work group?

  • If a new member joined our group, what would you tell them in terms of how to best fit in with our group (things to do and not do)?

  • What group norms get in the way of accomplishing our shared goals?

  • What new group norms might help us better achieve our shared goals?

Takeaways or Things to Try

Take Action Together

  • Determine the three most important shared values of your group and discuss how you can live these values in your group norms/behaviors.

  • Notice who has not spoken and give them an opportunity by saying “I notice [group member] has not shared yet. [Group member], I’m curious what you’re thinking if you’d like to share but no pressure if not.”

  • Decide as a group how to give feedback about behavior not aligned with desired group norms and shared goals.

  • Revisit group values and desired group norms regularly, especially during times of transition.

Session 4: The Matrix: Work Group Dynamics 101

Or Session 2: Part 2 of Accelerated 3-Part Series

Group Connection Concept

There are distinct roles in groups that influence dynamics.

The impact of group roles and behaviors on the individuals and collective are called group dynamics. View group roles here.

Good group dynamics are easy to spot. People work openly and directly towards a shared goal and hold each other accountable. This type of group is almost twice as creative as an average group. Poor group dynamics disrupt the work. Decisions take longer (or are not made) because options are not explored openly. 

Group Discussion Questions

Continue the Conversation

  • What group roles do you play in this group?

  • What role do you want to play? How will you try this out?

  • How would you want this group to manage difficult or dysfunctional roles (without naming names)?

Takeaways or Things to Try

Take Action Together

  • Practicing noticing your roles and when they switch.

  • Notice and name when polarized roles are at play in the group and take a stance of curiosity around why and what the group needs.

  • Notice and name groupthink (if present) and play “devil’s advocate.”

Session 5: The Power of Reflection to Deepen Our Cohesion

Or Session 3: Part 1 of Accelerated 3-Part Series

Group Connection Concept

Reflection is conscious consideration of beliefs and behaviors. 

People who reflect are more productive and feel better. Yet, many people do not regularly make time for it. Reflecting on the personal and professional are both important. When we connect the two, magic happens.

Reflection gives the brain the chance to pause in chaos to sort through experiences, thoughts, feelings, and behaviors—to create meaning in action that is often subconscious or done quickly. This is crucial for growth.

Group Discussion Questions

Continue the Conversation

  • When do you feel most connected to people in general? What is present?

  • Looking back over the past week, when did you feel most connected—to yourself, someone else, or an activity? What made you feel connected?

  • In recent time, when did you feel most connected at work? Why? What were you doing?

  • What can you do differently (or more of) to deepen connection here at work and in other parts of your life?

Takeaways or Things to Try

Take Action Together

  • Build a regular practice of noticing and naming moments of connection in the group and sharing the why behind the feeling.

  • Ask yourself daily: How connected (or not) did I feel to my colleagues today and why? What can I do to move toward deeper connections?

  • Once a quarter, ask each member of the group to share moments where they felt most connected to the group.

  • Once a quarter, ask each member of the group to share how they would like to deepen connection in the group.

Session 6: Looking Back at Our Cohesion to Move Forward as a Group

Or Session 3: Part 2 of Accelerated 3-Part Series

Group Connection Concept

Looking back on growth, looking forward with hope. 

Taking time to reflect on learnings, consolidate gains, and plan for the future helps groups make positive change and evolve together.

Doing this at regular intervals is how cohesion is built. Remember, work relationships are like any relationship and require ongoing cultivation and care.

Self Reflection Questions

Continue the Conversation

  • What was the most memorable moment for you from this Groops experience?

  • What was most helpful about this Groops experience?

  • What do you wish we did or had more time for in this Groops experience?

  • What did you learn about yourself through this Groops experience?

  • What did you learn about your group through this Groops experience?

  • What do you hope for moving forward? What do you want to build into your group?

  • Is there anything you want to share that you have not yet had a chance to share?

Group Reflections & Intentions

Take Action Together

Capture your self reflection in 3 statements to share…

  • I feel… is a starting point for capturing how you feel about your connection to your group following this series.

  • I wish… is a starting point for what could be done differently to strengthen your group connection.

  • What if we… is a starting point for ideas or actions you all can take to feel better and do things differently as a group going forward.

Take Action Toolkits

The Groops experience helps your group uncover opportunities and pain points through expert-guided exploratory conversations. This toolkit helps you translate discussion into group-directed activation through prompts and frameworks designed to help your group further understand and apply key concepts from your program.